About Us
Our Mission
Deliver reliable technology and customer service to our clients in Latin America
Our Vision
Empower businesses through automation
Our History
In short, we’re a managed cloud service provider directly supported by on-site technicians and programmers in sunny San Diego, California.
The long version? Well, that’s a story!, starting way back in the 90s, we created a company around automating dial-up internet access to the people who needed it. This required a bit of negotiating, a lot of partnerships, and a lot of long nights sleeping in the office to ensure we created a quality we could stand by.

Moving forward in the years, we added T1 lines for increased speed and Cobalt dedicated servers for customers not interested in DIY options. At the time, physical servers were a nightmare, and this was especially true of website hosting. We again spent sleepless nights building a platform we could stand behind – automated, secure, and user-friendly.
For those who wanted to create their own hosting service based off our platform, we launched Host2Own, the first brand to offer the ability to take home the server they’d been using for the prior one to two years. But, you can only get so far with a server farm in your back office. And so, a data center was born.
To control the full stack, we built our own data center in Southern California, brought in the fastest fiber money could buy, and designed a customer service platform to systemize the delivery of your service better to you.
I’d like to say everything was comprehensive and revolutionary, but it was our first iteration, and we don’t want to start off our journey together with a lie. It was a pain, it constantly had to be reworked and rethought, but it operated as expected, and with a bit of duct tape and chewing gum we supplied uptime at amazing levels.

Word got out, and we grew, faster and faster, and we added services based on your demand. In came colocation cabinets and the latest Intel servers running any flavor of Linux and Microsoft Windows available. Backups and monitoring and virtualization and storage and every other service you could think of was built in to our growing list of offerings at a quality we could stand behind. And data centers were added – 7, to be exact – because you saw our desire to help you and your business Internet better.
And so, we fast-forward to today, where we’ve helped hundreds of thousands of customers like you build a better Internet, tailored to each of your individualized needs. We’re actively enabling speedy access to cloud applications and highly trafficked websites – perfect for your ever-growing business needs. And, to ensure you scale exactly how you want, when you want, we are proud to provide 24×7 access to our passionate team of technical advisors.