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Setting up a domain controller in a brand new environment is an excellent opportunity to learn Active Directory. CARI.net customers can use Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) in Windows Server 2012 R2 to quickly deploy domain controllers on-premises and in CARI.net’s data centers. The latest version of AD DS features increased flexibility when authorizing access to files, and administrative tasks.
The remainder of this article provides a step-by-step guide to get Active Directory Domain Services up and running.
Steps To Setup Active Directory in Windows Server 2012 R2
1) From Server Manager, click “Manage” and select “Add Roles and Features”.
2) Click “Next” on the “Before you Begin” Screen.
3) Check “Role-based or feature-based installation” on the “Select installation type” screen. Click “Next”.
4) This will bring you to the “Select destination server”. Choose “Select a server from the server pool” option and select the server name that you want to install Active Directory Domain Services on. Click “Next”.
5) On the “Select server roles” check the box for Active Directory Domain Services.
6) On the “Add features that are required for Active Directory Domain Services” pop-up, click on “Add Features”. We recommended that you “Include management tools” to easily manage Active Directory Domain Services for future use. Click “Next”.
7) By default “Group Policy Management” and “Remote Server Administration Tools” will be checked. Click “Next”.
8) Click “Next” after reading the information.
9) Check “Restart the destination server automatically if required” so that if any features require a reboot, it will happen automatically. Click “Install”.
10) After the server reboots and the installation has completed, the screen below will be displayed. Click “Close”.
11) From “Server Manager”, click on the notifications flag on the top right hand side of the screen. Click “Promote this server to domain controller”.
12) Select “Add a new forest” and enter your company’s “Root domain name”.
13) Select Forest / Domain Functional Level as per your requirement. (For more information, please view this TechNet article.) Provide SDRM password which is used when restoring Active Directory is any disasters occur.
14) Read the message regarding DNS and click “OK”.
15) Verify NetBIOS name and click “Next”.
16) Review the paths of the AD Database log files. Click “Next”.
17) Review your selections and click “Next”.
18) Click on “Install” once prerequisites are passed.
19) Once the installation is successful, you will be prompted with the message below. After the server reboots, Active Directory Domain Services will be completely installed on the server.
Congratulations, setup is now complete!